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As a resident of Detroit and the 9th District, I stand up for achieving positive progress. There is no time to waste. Our Wayne County 9th District should shine like a bright star on the horizon. We all have to work together to make this happen. Pick up the trash, move the abandoned cars, clean up the vacant lots and more. I am very familiar with our 9th District. Please look at the 9th District area locations on the map I have provided in the website. I want to make it easy for our constituents  to have access  to phone numbers and addresses and names of all things empowering the people of the 9th District. When your community or your block needs attention, you will know who and  where to reach out. If you need references for anything that can help, you know you will be able count on me for results.                                                



It's not just WHERE you go to school, it's HOW and WHEN! Learn from those who have life experience. Not all of us are college material, we all have special sills and strengths. Do your research. There are plenty of people in the TRADES that may want to share their talents with you. Automobile technicians are in great need and you can even start your own business with the skills you can develop.  Trade schools are a lot cheaper than college and you can get high paying jobs in the trades.


My biggest education secret is that if you live in DETROIT and you are over 60 years-old, you can go to Wayne County Community College District for almost just have to pay for books and labs, and you can even find a way for those to be paid for!  I did and I am so proud! I walked my commencement at age 64 with gold ropes and took my Associate Degree with SUMMA CUM LAUDE highest honors! Higher education is out there for EVERYONE!

The vast majority of the City of Detroit, primarily the downtown area, is raging out of affordable housing. Every square inch of  vacant land is being used to build million dollar condo complexes and apartments and buildings for big business that only the very wealthy can afford. Why is there is no room for diversity? We all deserve a chance to live well within our means. No new homes or apartments for the middle-class and senior citizens are being built. What are they supposed to do? Relegate them to them to the suburbs with the same housing issues? A certain percentage of these new developments must be designated as lower income residences. If the local and/or federal government doesn't step in to fix this huge class discrimination, there will be a surge in displaced people, and it doesn't have to be this way. There must be builders and corporations that can overlook a bit of their so-called "bottom line". What about the hard-working "little people"? We don't need public housing, we just need less expensive, well-managed living conditions. I will fight for livable and affordable housing for everyone because we all deserve a little bit more than just a roof over our heads!

PLEASE! If you need assistance  with getting proper health care know that there are many options out there for you and your family to get the help they need. If I am honored to become your Michigan State Representative Wayne County 9th District, I will provide the data and information for ALL medical and dental and mental healthcare. I am a vibrant, strong 72 year-old, but I have had my share of health issues. I have struggled but I found advocates that led me to the resources that I have today. I want to share my knowledge with you in helping the community find better, easier, and affordable access to medical assistance and providers. 


With recent events in the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, I want to make it clear that abortion should remain safe and legal. I do believe that more efforts should go into preventing these situations such as better access to contraceptives. 


ENVIRONMENT doesn't always have to mean the big picture! Although we should pay attention to our planet and our natural resources, our environment can also be as simple as the neighborhood we live in! Our local parks and State Parks and playgrounds! The beautiful Detroit riverfront and the lakes in Wayne county and close by! Lake Erie is in WAYNE COUNTY! There is a tiny area called MILLIKEN STATE PARK in downtown Detroit on the Detroit River! We should remember our local beauty and respect it. But please, try and abide by common courtesy in your neighborhoods. Don't be afraid to set a better example to those who are inconsiderate. If you have to pick up THEIR empty bottles, torn up lottery tickets, soiled diapers, and McDonald bags littered all over your block. Look out for your neighbors, we can all learn a lesson from one another and restore their dignity and pride in the way they live.

I want to make the 9th District small business friendly in order to help continue economical growth. Individuals within our District should be able to take an idea or interest and create a variety of businesses within our diverse community. The Wayne Country 9th District is not the home of big businesses, it is the home of small businesses and working communities. At some point in the future with members of our community, I would love to develop a relationship with an anchor store to help expand growth within our community.

There I am below standing by the man in the cowboy hat! What a beautiful group of people. It's early spring in the Puritan-7 Mile area and we have all volunteered to help prepare and plant a community garden! Young and old, all ethnicities, rich, poor, educated and still learning! We are people. We didn't know each other but we became friends.

Sharing. Isn't that what communities are supposed to do? I will KNOW my constituents and together, we will strengthen our communities and neighborhoods.

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